Neighbourhood Plan Delivery and Monitoring Strategy
Now that the Neighbourhood Plan has been adopted, the hard work must continue.
A Neighbourhood Plan Delivery and Monitoring Group has been established by the Parish Council. Its Terms of Reference and group membership can be found below.
Terms of Reference - Neighbourhood Plan Delivery and Monitoring Group (PDF, 250 Kb)
The agreed Terms of Reference for the Neighbourhood Plan Delivery and Monitoring Group
Group Membership
Stuart Oliver 01455 284502
Paul Shipman 01455 284867
Maureen Stell 01455 28449
Colin Golding 01455 282726
Gerald Brown 01455 282976
Robert Davis 01455 283373
David Beasley 07956 441338
Clive Grafton-Reed 01455 285069
Having examined the draft Delivery and Monitoring Strategy the Members of the Neighbourhood Plan Deleivery and Monitoring Group considered the Key Objectives highlighted in the Neighbourhood Plan, which reflect the wishes of the community demonstrated during the Neighbourhood Plan process.
Of the list of 8 Key Objectives, the Members considered that a number of these were outside the direct control of the Parish Council and could only be progressed as part of a wider development strategy.
The Members have identified 4 Key Objective - areas of priority on which the Parish Council should concentrate their initial efforts:
- 1. To provide a new centrally located community and leisure facility (BANP Policy L1)
- 2. To provide an improved and centrally located healthcare centre (BANP Policy W1)
- 3. To improve the range of shopping facilities provided for the community whilst still supporting the existing village centre. (BANP Policy S1)
- 4. To protect the existing open spaces and heritage of the village and provide additional open spaces (BANP Policy EH1 / EH2)
The Members have identified the Key Objectives which should be addressed at a later date to be:
- 5. To provide new employment opportunities for the community of Broughton Astley (BANP Policy E1)
- 6. To reduce the reliance of private cars by providing viable alternative ways of moving around the village (BANP Policy T1)
- 7. To ensure that the phasing of development takes place in accordance with the Neighbourhood Plan Phasing Policy (BANP Policy P1)
The actions to be taken towards the 4 Key Objectives are listed within the Delivery and Monitoring Strategy.