17th September 2024

Search Broughton Astley Parish Council

Broughton Astley Parish Council Serving the people of Broughton Astley

Activities and classes at the Village Hall

The Pre-School Playstation

Contact Sandra 07962104533 or visit the Preschool Playstation <https://www.schoolandcollegelistings.com/GB/Leicester/1290240017696693/The-Pre-school-Playstation>

3 hour or 6 hour sessions Monday to Friday

9 am to 12 pm and 12 pm to 3 pm

15 hours funded for 3 and 4 year olds.

30 hours funding available and 2 year old funding available.

Contact Sandra 07962104533 or visit the Preschool Playstation

3 hour or 6 hour sessions Monday to Friday

9 am to 12 pm and 12 pm to 3 pm

15 hours funded for 3 and 4 year olds.

30 hours funding available and 2 year old funding available.

Active Retirement

Aprille Ward runs Active Retirement fitness classes on Mondays and Fridays at 9:30am

This includes work on chairs and standing exercises.

Aprille also holds Body Tone & Stretch classes on Wednesday mornings at 9:15am and Thursday evenings at 7:00pm.

The class involves work on the floor and the use of light weights.

Please note that there is a waiting list for these classes.

Please contact Aprille by email : aprille.ward@icloud.com




Have you ever tried Boccia?

Test your accuracy and skills by having a go at this Paralympic sport!

Equipment and drinks provided. Every Tuesday here at the hall.

12:30pm - 13:30pm £2.50

Kurling also on Tuesdays 11:00am-12:00pm £2.50

Kurling and Boccia together for £4.00

Contact BAVG for more details 0808 528 4477


You may also contact Jack Johnson:

email: tubbyjohnson@live.co.uk

Telephone: 07956778071


Your friendly local club for everyone interested in photography

We usually meet on the first and third Tuesdays every month as a forum for local photographers of all abilities who enjoy photography and want to learn more.

Our first meeting of the month is in the Cottage at Broughton Astley Village Hall. This normally has tutorial sessions and discussion on a variety of techniques and subjects.

The second monthly meeting is usually a practical photo shoot when we photograph a variety of locations.

For further details please join our Facebook group:

Broughton Astley Camera Club (Photographic Society)

or contact us by emailsecretary@thebroughtonastleyps.co.uk

Broughton Astley Heritage Society

Please contact Bob Wrathrall, Secretary of Broughton Astley Heritage Society on: 01455 285366

The Heritage Society also has Facebook and Twitter pages.

Follow BAHS on Facebook page 'Broughton Astley Heritage Society'

On Twitter: Broughton Astley HS address @baheritagesoc

Broughton Astley Tot's Club

The Broughton Astley Tot's Club hold their regular meetings every Thursday morning 9:30-11:00 am.

This costs just £3.00 per family.

Come along to socialise and take part in lots of fun activities including an Art Corner, Bouncy Castle, toys, tea, cake and lots more...

Term time only.

Parents/carers responsible for their child.

Daisy First Aid

First Aid Classes for Parents

Beginning 17th January 2024 in the Astley Room, Broughton Astley Village Hall


Contact: nicole@daisyfirstaid.com
07305 126540

Dementia Coffee Afternoon

Fitness with Hannah Bailey

Fitness with Hannah Bailey Poster with times included, please see description below:

Pilates at Broughton Astley Village Hall every Tuesday morning 9:15 - 10:15 am

Please call Hannah for more details on: 07824789504

Email: hannahbailey1710@gmail.com

International Plastic Modellers Society Leics.


There are regular Karate classes here in the main hall on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

Mark Barber on 07999 868 214 or email: mebarber30@btinternet.com


New age kurling sessions are held in the main hall on Monday & Tuesday mornings and Wednesday evenings.

Aprille Ward hosts a session on Monday mornings.

Please contact Aprille by email : aprille.ward@icloud.com

Jack Johnson hosts Tuesday and Wednesday sessions.

Please contact Jack by email: tubbyjohnson@live.co.uk or

Telephone: 07956778071

Leicester Musical Memory Box

Lullababy South Leicester

Emily Shenton holds Lullababy South Leicester classes in The Cottage on Monday mornings,
beginning 9th October 2023

Please contact Emily for more information: https://www.lullababy.co.uk/south-leicester


The NCT hold regular sessions here in the Cottage on Thursday evenings.

With over 60 years' experience supporting new mums and dads, you can rely on NCT's range of fun, informative and social antenatal classes and postnatal courses to support you through pregnancy, birth and your new life as a parent.

Please email: bookings6b@nct.org.uk or visit our website for more information:



JR Wellbeing

Pilates with JR Wellbeing

Rock Choir


If you love to sing, you'll love Rock Choir!
No auditions and no musical knowledge needed.
It's all about singing, fun, community, friendship and life-changing experiences! We rehearse in over 250 towns across the UK.

Here in Broughton Astley we sing on a Wednesday 12:30-2:00pm.

Please visit our website to join us.

Tai Chi Classes

Tai Chi being practised

Malcolm Soulsby holds a weekly Tai Chi class in the main hall 1:30-2:30 pm on Mondays.

Please contact Malcolm: 43sixacres@gmail.com 01455 324008

Women's Institute

The Women's Institute have regular monthly meetings here at the Village Hall.

They organise fund raising events such as Tabletop Sales and Boot Fairs

Please contact Bev Sharp on 01455 282587 or Fran Marsland on 01455 282118 for further information.

Zerin Smith Antenatal and Baby Massage

Zerin Smith website logo

Zerin Smith holds regular classes on a Thursday morning in The Cottage, here at the Village Hall on Station Road.

There are Story, Massage & Movement classes, as well as Baby Massage & Yoga classes.

Message from Zerin:

My classes are designed to be relaxed, welcoming and fun. Touch is your baby's most important sense as they develop, so learning baby massage and yoga is a lovely way to bond with your baby. Group courses are also a great way to meet other parents and make new friendships.

There is always time for coffee and cakes after the massage is over and your baby relaxes and enjoys sensory time.

I am trained and qualified through the IAIM (International Association of Infant Massage)

Email: zerinsmithbabymassage@gmail.com

Telephone 07954375448

Last updated: Thu, 06 Jun 2024 12:42