22nd January 2025

Search Broughton Astley Parish Council

Broughton Astley Parish Council Serving the people of Broughton Astley

Allotments - Sutton and Western Willows Sites

Ideal Allotment Condition

Ideal Allotment Condition

Map of allotment location

Map of Allotment Location

Aerial satellite view of sites

Aerial satellite view of sites

Allotment Policy including Terms and Conditions


1st October - 30th September

Western Willows site has two plot sizes available of Full plot and half plot

Sutton Site has two plot sizes available of Full plot and quarter plot.

All allotments are rented via the Parish Office and if you are interested please contact the office either via telephone:

01455 285655 or email admin@broughton-astley.gov.uk

to register your interest and add your details to the waiting list.

Get Growing - a tenant's guide to allotment success

Looking after your allotment is a great way to meet new people, many of whom will have a wealth of knowledge about what to grow and how to grow it. However, with over 142 plots across the two sites, there is also the potential for misunderstanding. Here are a few pointers to help you get off to a good start:

  • Read your rules: your tenancy terms & conditions are tied to the rules – if you breach the rules you may put your tenancy at risk.
  • Make a good start – start to dig, tidy and plant your plot straight away and pass your first inspection.
  • Bonfires are NOT permitted on Sutton Site and for a limited period only on Western Willows.
  • Use a limited area of woven mulch or plastic to control your weeds. Do not use carpet since it is a waste material that can be toxic to the soil and it extremely difficult to remove.
  • Keep your boundaries neat and tidy.
  • Keep the weeds on your plot under control and prune back trees that might shade your neighbours' beds.
  • Be aware that you are responsible for any visitors to your plot and are only allowed on your plot and the paths that lead to it. Noisy visitors, loud music, children and dogs can cause conflict, so please enjoy your allotment responsibly.
  • Lock the gates after you enter the site and again when you leave it.
  • Co-operate with your immediate neighbours to keep the paths separating your plots neat and tidy.
  • Respect others' privacy: do not enter other tenants' gardens unless invited, and make sure your visitors don't either.
  • Keep paths clear of tools and other items that act as obstacles and could cause injury.
  • Keep your dog on a lead and off other tenants' gardens, and remove any dog mess.
  • Keep your plot free of litter and pick up litter blown in by the wind when you see it.
  • Compost organic waste such as weeds and crop residues and take all other rubbish home with you.
  • Check with your neighbours before using noisy machines and ensure that others' safety is not compromised by their use.
  • Fuel should not be stored on site.
  • Use water wisely: the site uses metered water. Install a water butt!
  • Don't allow pernicious weeds such as ragwort and thistle to seed and thus spread to other plots.
  • Inform us if you are unable to cultivate your plot for a prolonged period due to extenuating circumstances such as illness.
  • Don't erect sheds and other structures without written consent from the Council.
  • Water butts must be installed when a new shed is erected or replaced.
  • Do cultivate all of your plot and enjoy the fresh air and exercise.
  • READ THE ALLOTMENT POLICY AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS, If you breach your agreement you run the risk of losing your tenancy.

Allotment inspections: how to pass with flying colours.

Allotments are inspected regularly throughout the year. Your first inspection will be no sooner than three months after you take on your plot but it is important that you make the most of this time.

At the inspection, the allotment officers will want to see the following:

  • A clearly numbered plot, with unobstructed paths around the plot.
  • Weeds and long grass under control.
  • Cultivation: around 75% of your plot must be cropped – these crops need to be managed and ideally weed-free, but this can include tree and bush fruit as well as field crops.
  • Woody weeds under control. Brambles and long grass can overhang other plants and cause a hazard, meaning they need to be cut back.
  • A waste-free plot. Only bring materials on site that are needed for growing crops. As a rule, if you don't really need it, don't bring it!
  • A safe site. We will be checking that your plot is safe for you, for inspecting officers and anyone else who may visit your plot.


All the work starts to show results.......

The end result...........

Last updated: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 12:36