17th September 2024

Search Broughton Astley Parish Council

Broughton Astley Parish Council Serving the people of Broughton Astley

Neighbourhood Plan Delivery and Monitoring Group

Picture says "The big plan for Broughton Astley"

The Delivery and Monitoring Group will meet on a suitably frequent basis to progress matters in a timely manner. This is expected to be monthly or six weekly but no less than quarterly.


To undertake an initial analysis of the objectives and initiatives of the Neighbourhood Plan (using SMART or similar) in order to:

  1. Prioritise the delivery of the objectives and initiatives of the Neighbourhood Plan. (low, medium and high);
  2. To identify the appropriate legal entity who will take responsibility for delivery of a specific initiative, the point of contact and method of contact;
  3. Identify the resources required to deliver the objectives and initiatives of the Neighbourhood Plan, relative to c) above, including the long term liability which might arise from such delivery;
  4. Agree the timescales for the delivery of the objectives and initiatives of the Neighbourhood Plan with the appropriate legal entity;
  5. Identify dependencies on other objectives and initiatives of the Neighbourhood Plan;
  6. Identify risks to initiatives and propose mitigations to alleviate such risks where possible. A master risk register for the delivery will be maintained and constitute part of the quarterly report to full Council;
  7. vii. To produce briefing documents for various project groups, external agencies and independent consultants in relation to specific projects or tasks;
  8. Individual project groups will create their own action plan with timings and provide these to the Delivery & Monitoring group (D&MG);
  9. To commission external agencies or independent consultants in order to deliver specific projects or tasks, in light of b) above, up to a value of £15,000;
  10. To commission specific areas of evidence gathering and analysis as required (including residents and business surveys). Such activities may be up to a value of £15,000;
  11. To produce materials, both printed and electronic, used to communicate progress of the delivery of the Plan to residents, businesses and the wider community;
  12. With reference to b) above, to ensure that sufficient funds are available for the delivery of the Neighbourhood Plan; by investigating alternative sources of funding and completing funding applications;
  13. To monitor expenditure and produce a report on funding requirements for Parish Council prior to annual budget and Precept setting; and
  14. To produce a detailed report 'Updates to the Neighbourhood Plan' at each Annual Parish Council meeting.

Past Agendas and Minutes of meetings can be found here.

Last updated: Sat, 17 Oct 2020 14:11